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Value Champion Fabio is on the right with a graphic in the triangular SoSafe logo shape on the left showing the word “Ambition”. On Fabio’s other side, a symbol depicting a trophy can be seen.

Ambition at SoSafe – A conversation with our value champion Fabio

12 September 2024 · 2 min read

Prefer to watch and listen? No problem! Watch our value champion Fabio talk about Ambition at SoSafe.

“Ambition” is one of the four core values at SoSafe and an integral part of our culture. It describes how we work, treat each other, and achieve our goals. Having ambition can mean a lot to different people. One of our Safeys who embodies this value exceptionally well is Fabio, our value champion for “Ambition ”. We sat down with him to learn a bit more about what this value means to him.

Can you give us a short introduction of who you are?

I’m Fabio, I’m currently the Senior Director for International Sales Development and I’m the value champion for “Ambition”.

What does this Value mean to you?

Being ambitious to me means going after what you want and to be fully dedicated. It means having high expectations and confidence in your own ability to achieve whatever you set out to do. And in terms of goal setting, I recently read something about ambitious goals that really stuck with me. In his book “Principles” Ray Dalio says that if we’re setting goals based on the knowledge and the skills we have today, we’re setting the bar way too low. And I really like this idea as this encourages us to learn new skills and try out new things as we work towards the goal we set.

How do you live this value in your work life?

I always try to bring the best I possibly can. In my professional as well as my personal life, I have very high expectations for myself and I often project these expectations to those I work with. This can sometimes be very good as it motivates others to go above and beyond, try out new things, and at the same time it can feel like pressure for some people. But given the very ambitious goals we have at SoSafe, I think it’s only fair to expect 100% from myself and from my team.

Can you share an example that illustrates the positive impact of this value within SoSafe?

So when I took over the SDR team, I was also given a goal to achieve – an ambitious one, of course. And so one of the first things I did was to bring the team together and to share our goal for the quarter with them very transparently. The transparent communication sparked the discussion as to how we can make it happen. And in this case, this very ambitious goal encouraged us to think about new ways, small improvements, even different ideas that we just haven’t thought of before. And this was great to see because I saw the team was growing closer together and we were working collectively towards the goal, fully motivated. And yes, not everything worked out as planned. And that’s totally okay because we did end up having a very successful quarter. And I personally believe the ambitious goal and the communication of it did help to bring out the best in us.

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