SoSafe named a Strong Performer in The Forrester Wave™: Human Risk Management Solutions, Q3 2024. Learn more.

Case study

57% click rate



€310 Mil. (2021)

The Buhlmann Group is a premium trading house for steel pipes, pipe fittings, and accessories all over the world.

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“Just a few months ago, a major reply chain attack hit the news. We almost fell victim to it too. The cybercriminals used existing email traffic; it was apparently from a known sender. It seemed strange to one of our employees that he was prompted to click on a link. He was very aware of SoSafe‘s ‚trick emails‘ and reported the email to our IT department. Luckily, we were able to track down a Trojan behind the link and in the following days we were able to remove similar emails from circulation in time.”

Frank Heymann
Senior IT Team Manager

The challenge

Reduce their vulnerability to cyberattacks

BUHLMANN and its subsidiaries supply customers worldwide with steel products from 18 locations. All employees are in constant email communication with each other and with their customers. Senior IT Team Manager Frank Heymann therefore saw a great need for awareness training around email communication.

Thousands of harmless spam emails come in all the time. The problem is that, despite several security checks, dangerous phishing emails also make it to our inboxes. Employees need to know how to avert the risks – that’s why awareness training is so important for us.

Frank Heymann
Senior IT-Team Manager

The Solution

Train employees to recognize and report suspicious phishing emails

In addition to e-learning modules, BUHLMANN relies primarily on SoSafe’s phishing simulations.

“Successful cybersecurity incidents are expensive for organizations. Raising security awareness among our employees saves us money every day. We especially like the variety of scenarios of the phishing simulations – I would love to send even more!”

Significant behavioral change with a variety of learning experiences

  • Targeted phishing simulations
  • Phishing Reporting Button
  • Gamified e-learning

The Results

Stronger security habits among employees

Before SoSafe, BUHLMANN trained its employees with selective awareness training. With the help of regular simulations, the trading company has been relying on continuous and interactive training with sustainable success since 2020.

“Our primary business field is steel trading, which means that cyber security is not something you think about at first. However, after two years of usage, we have experienced a real wow effect and I can now see that our employees are more careful with emails.”

Why does Buhlmann recommend SoSafe?


click rate reduction


employee satisfaction

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G2 Europe Leader Winter 2025 G2 Leader Winter 2025 G2 Momentum Leader Winter 2025 The Forrester Wave™ Strong Performer 2024: Human Risk Management Solutions

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G2 Europe Leader Winter 2025 G2 Leader Winter 2025 G2 Momentum Leader Winter 2025 The Forrester Wave™ Strong Performer 2024: Human Risk Management Solutions