
Case study

5 / 5 employee satisfaction

Consumer goods


€85 Mil. (2022)

Natsana is a provider of natural dietary supplements and brings together three of the strongest brands on the market: natural elements, Nature Love, and Feel Natural.

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“As an e-commerce company, we have to be particularly vigilant. The consequences for us would be dire if just one of our sales channels were disabled by an attack for a single day. With SoSafe, we can rest assured that the knowledge we gain stays with us in the long run because continuous training coupled with learning psychology is what ultimately helps the most.”

Lea Kehrmann

Lea Kehrmann
Management Advisor

The challenge

First awareness training for a rapidly growing company

Natsana has seen constant growth since incorporating the three brands in 2020: natural elements, Nature Love, and Feel Natural. With many of its employees working from home on the company’s success, Natsana needed a solution that suits its dynamic needs.

“We’re a very young company and were looking for a solution to start out with. It was important to us to teach our employees about cyber security. When we found SoSafe, it immediately appealed to us because SoSafe is also a young, up-and-coming company from Germany, and the customer experience was super easy.”

Lea Kehrmann

Lea Kehrmann
Management Advisor

The Solution

Awareness from day 1

Natsana uses SoSafe’s E-Learning and Phishing Simulation and also opted for the Phishing Report Button. New employees are introduced to the training during their onboarding.

“Phishing emails have become really hard to recognize much of the time. What we like about SoSafe is that the simulations are so realistic that all our employees get to learn a lot.”

Lea Kehrmann

Lea Kehrmann
Management Advisor

Multi-channel approach for long-term learning success:

  • E-Learning and Awareness Bites
  • Phishing Simulation
  • Phishing Report Button

The Results

Regular reviews for long-term learning success

Employees learn about the Awareness Training during their onboarding so that everyone can make a habit of integrating the bite-sized training units into their workday. Continuous training means users can always hone their knowledge.

“The regular e-learning lets employees learn about security on a continuous basis, and it becomes anchored in their subconscious. We’ve also benefited from the full-service solution, and we have everything we need including best-practice documents, tips for rolling out the tool, suggested emails, and how to be on equal footing with management and IT. SoSafe has made things so much easier for us.”

Lea Kehrmann

Lea Kehrmann
Management Advisor

Why does Natsana recommend SoSafe?


registration rate


employee satisfaction

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