

Phishing vs. Spam: What is the difference?

Your comprehensive info sheet for the detection of malicious emails

Do your employees recognize malicious emails? Educate them with this comprehensive info sheet: Here they will learn the difference between phishing and spam and how to protect themselves and their organization from potential threats.

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Phishing vs Spam SoSafe English Infosheet

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At a glance: What’s the difference between phishing and spam?

Every day, tons of potentially harmful and unsolicited emails are sent to employees and private individuals’ inboxes. But how can you tell which of these emails are dangerous – and which are just annoying ads?

Recognizing potential dangers quickly and acting accordingly actively contributes to strengthening an organization’s security culture – and thus prevents cyberattacks in the long term. Provide your employees with the necessary knowledge and build up your human firewall.

In this info sheet, your employees will learn:

  • Whether and how phishing and spam differ from each other
  • How to recognize spam and phishing emails
  • And how to protect themselves and their organization against potential threats

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In our “Phishing vs. Spam” infosheet you’ll find

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